Land Management
A Plan for the Lay of the Land
Farm Management:
Crop Share/Cash Rent Leases
- We can negotiate contracts, market grains, make farm visits, and attend to the tenant farmer/rancher needs. We also keep up with ever changing farm programs and crop insurance, choosing the best options for you. At the end of the year, tax information is gathered and forwarded to you with a check for the net farm income.
CRP Contracts
- We can sign you up for CRP contracts and work with FSA to ensure all requirements are met throughout the contract.
Grain Escrow
- If you would like to delay income until next year for tax purposes, set up a grain escrow account with the Trust Department. Your money will be deposited into a non-interest bearing account and be mailed to you on a date of your choosing.
Mineral Management
- When receiving royalty payments, we can handle all the details from negotiating division orders to tracking income and everything in between.

You remain the owner of the land, and we do the footwork for you!
Call Sundi Lagge today in the Trust Department at 701-463-2262, or email for more information.
| Not FDIC Insured | Not Bank Guaranteed | May Lose Value |
Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency | Not a Bank Deposit |
Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency | Not a Bank Deposit |